April 2024 Site Updates

After 3 years of the site looking almost exactly the same, I finally made a large scale change to the site's appearance.

The main issue is that the old layout had no page margins, so text would horizontally extend as far as your browser window could go. Thus, if you had a really high resolution monitor, what really should've been a large paragraph of text looked like one giant single line.

Now that everything has page margins, it should be a lot easier to read, regardless of monitor or browser window size. However, articles are now a little longer vertically.

There's also now a "back to home" button at the top of most pages, and I fixed up a few basic things like spelling errors & dead links.

Since there's a decent chance I unknowingly screwed something up during the overhaul process, please e-mail me if you find anything broken on the site.

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