About This Site

I started developing this site in January 2021, because I wanted a more personalized and "organized" way to talk about my number one passion, computers. Platforms like Discord aren't conductive to long blog-like articles that I usually prefer.

In April 2021, I abandoned the old website I was developing, because I didn't like the look and feel of it. Instead of using FrontPage 2003 to create it, I learned HTML and coded this site from the ground up. By May 1st, all of the website you see now was created, except for the articles.

In the future, I plan to migrate this site from Neocities to my own web server. Because Neocities isn't compatible with old browsers, hosting this site myself will allow all computers to access it.

I have no schedule for when I write new articles, as it's all dependent on when I get new stuff to write about. I try and keep the news page busy with updates on what's happening.

If you have any questions, please visit the contact page.