Recently, for the first time in over a year, I found another desktop PC left out for the trash. This time, it was a late 2000s HP Pavilion that originally shipped with Windows 7. The problem is that it doesn't work, so there's some troubleshooting to be done in the near future. Until then, I decided to do a quick overview of it before I get it up & running.
Spec wise, it's quite good for the time. Even today, it'd be possible to use this PC daily for basic tasks, especially if you threw out the 5400RPM drive.
The HDD has a strange sticker on it with someone's name & a date from 2015. At first, I thought it might be a replacement drive from a repair shop, but apparently these PCs shipped with the same WD Green drives, so I doubt that's the case.
Every HP PC from this era has a giant sticker on the side listing all the specs & software. If the original Windows 7 install is still in tact, I'd be curious to see how wrecked it is by OEM bloatware & malware.
Both the interior & the exterior of the PC were surprisingly clean. I have no idea how long it sat outside by the dumpster, so I don't know if it could've been exposed to rain or not. It powers on, the CPU fan spins, but there's no video output.
The next part of this will be the repair & troubleshooting, which hopefully won't be too hard. Since it at least has some signs of life, I'm reasonably confident I can get it running.