Dell Inspiron 537 - Back to Home

This computer I got from a friend several years ago when he was upgrading. I used it for software testing along with an older Inspiron 530, a computer I eventually scrapped for parts. After sitting unused for at least 6 months, I dug the 537 back out.

Inspiron 537.

Some of the specs:

Motherboard to the 537.

It's a pretty boring late 2000s machine. I had XP on it before I stole the HDD, and it ran fine, but now that I have plenty of other machines that'll do the same job, this PC has no purpose. At some point, I'll probably gut it for parts and trash the rest.

Pentium Dual Core.

Fun fact: when I was just beginning my adventure in computers, I thought Pentium D and Pentium Dual Core meant the same thing. It was pretty embarrassing when I figured out I was wrong.

Another setup on the floor.

Another trashy basement setup.

Fan error on the 537.

This image has a funny story. I noticed it was complaining about the CPU fan, so I opened the PC up to check if the 4 pin cable to the motherboard was attached. Not only had I forgotten to plug it in, but I couldn't plug it in if I had remembered to. I remounted the heatsink upside down after I took it apart, meaning the cable wouldn't even reach the connector since it was on the wrong side. Not a proud moment.

I might make another page about a different adventure with this machine, but I'm not sure if it'd be interesting enough to release.

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