Old Computer Photos - Back to Home

One of my projects for this month was to finally go through all the old CDs, flash drives, and memory cards I have. Most were junk, but a few of them had a bunch of old files that I didn't remember I had. While I wait to wrap up my main project for December, I thought I'd show off a couple of the photos, and give some updates about the state of things.

Some of the CDs & flash drives I went through.

Getting all the files backed up was an absolute nightmare. This photo is not even half the discs I have. I was going to copy the files to my OptiPlex 780, but it turns out, it's dead. Windows 2000 just boots to a BSOD every time. I don't have the time right now to troubleshoot why. My main PC also had issues, but I eventually solved it by reinstalling graphics drivers.

My old computer desk from years ago.

Anyways, this photo is from 2021, back when I didn't have any organization to my computer stuff. I still had my old paint covered table that I just used as a landfill for all of my computer stuff.

The old Sapphire graphics card I broke.

This was the old R7 240 graphics card that I destroyed on 4th of July in 2021. The card was dead because it was left in a box with a very old Mountain Dew can. The can eventually started leaking everywhere, and of course, ruined the graphics card. That has to be one of the stupidest ways in history someone has accidentally broken electronics.

My old portable DVD player.

This is the old portable DVD player I used to use as a kid. My parents probably bought it around 2006 or 2007. It works, but the screen has weird artifacts now.

The old Motorola landline phone.

And lastly, this was the old landline phone that I used over a decade ago, back when I still had landline service. I've contemplated getting a phone line simulator many times, but never have.

For now, that's all, but I should have a big article up around Christmas. I'll still be quite busy this entire December, so don't expect many updates until then.

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